Kamis, 14 November 2013

     In addition to writing my hobby also makes skets painting
This brikut there are some examples that I try skets fit in this blogg. actually there are still many other skets but at another chance I will add it.
       Besides this is my wife's face skets. This skets I created more or less in the year 2005. originally this frame mounted skets beautifully with a glass cover but somehow piguranya broke sketsnya also rip by karna, I try to keep it in digital form.

Above this is a United Kingdom Manufacturer motor sket ARIEL Red Hunter 350cc 1946. This motorcycle I want to have but not enough of my money to buy it. to it as encouragement I made sketsnya

Besides this is the skets my face. This photo was taken from the Skets I while to labuan Bajo in 2012. In labuan bajo there is an island called pulau bidadari. It was said the island was inhabited by the apsara APSARA island named so. well this is the nymph Island favorite yg I wear glasses in this same requested skets APSARA ....:) 

Above is our motorcycle community mascot named TRIPLE ' C.

Below I am trying to design a mascot for the motorcycle communit

Lady Baykers so the theme from some skets I following.

Sunset dalam imajinasi saya.